Collection: Freack chic wedding favors!

It's difficult to give a refined dress to a wedding favor, it's difficult to ensure that it is remembered by the guests in a magnificent event! We at Cactus Artigiani try to dress it up and make it beautiful for the occasion! There is a funny story that sees "Bagnoturco" talking about the dignity of a wedding favor during his degree thesis, but we'll tell you about it another time!

Wedding favors have a meaning as a traditional gift that we Mediterraneans particularly like, we like to give them at our parties and we like them to be very beautiful. We would like to make them closer to our taste and we will tell you how... Here in our shop, everything we produce can be a gift. We offer the possibility of agreeing on material, shape and color and guaranteeing its uniqueness and unrepeatability. We like to play with packaging , take inspiration from places near and far, Japanese techniques and other simpler ones, we use colored tissue paper, cardboard paper, crepe paper and fabrics, all seasoned with stabilized flowers , dried and always alive, real, a little of string and a lot of irony and simplicity.